
People, Operations, Technology


“No business can succeed in any great degree without being properly organized.” – James Cash Penney

“My definition of an executive’s job is brief and to the point. It is simply this: Getting things done through other people.” – James Cash Penney

During my time as an intern at JC Penny’s, I came across an ingesting piece of information. It was a quote from James Cash Penny. It read, “Success cannot come from standstill men. Methods change and men must change with them.” What it taught me is that things change, so must the people. But more importantly the why(s) behind the change. People help people adapt, build, and grow. The power of people can be seen in many instances across the globe in the form of organizations and business groups. While technology is automating some of the operational functions performed by people, people still oversee the implementation of these automations. Because of this, keeping good people around is essential to the success of all professionals.

“No business can succeed in any great degree without being properly organized.” – James Cash Penney

One of the key things I took away from my undergraduate experience as a member of the Langston University SIFE team was leading by example. A classmate once referenced me as, “The Lebron James of the SIFE team,” jokingly, but the statement was very factual. Now, I don’t claim to be a leader of any type. I’m just a person that seeks to put in work, whatever it may be. By doing this, others are motivated to do the same. I always refer back to my store manager Brad Michael Hand. Despite his position in the company, his fatherly duties, he still stayed late some nights, zoned groceries, pushed carts, and operated as a cashier.

As a result, the people embodied this. What this experience also taught me is that people don’t like coming to work. The easiest jobs to get usually have high turnover rates. A true leader understands that while you may not win them all, you can damn sure win most of them. Through effort and hard work, any goal is attainable. Through effective teamwork methods, organizations and business groups can exceed their strategic objectives while scaling their operational infrastructures.

“In every mans life there lies latent energy. There is, however, a spark that, if kindled, will set the whole being afire, and he will become a human dynamo, capable of accomplishing almost anything to which he aspires.” – James Cash Penney

People are vibrational creatures with abilities to express these frequencies in different manners. In a business settings, this consists of different departments that function like the parts of an engine. Like an engine, each part plays a role that gives the vehicle it’s power and make it what is. Be it a car or plane, if you don’t have the right pieces in the engine, then it will not operate properly. The same can be said for a business. Because of this, it is always important to remember the value of people. As technology continues to replace many operational and business functions performed by people, it is important to keep sight of what’s best for the people you serve.


I see operations as a machine, similar to a car engine. Each individual within their respective department impacts the operations in some way shape or form. Because of this, I like to maintain a solid understanding of how each organizational piece, functions within the business structure. Businesses exist as organizations that operate within a professional industry, or industries. No matter the size or nature of the business, in order for it to exist it must operate. When it comes to business, understanding how operations impact profits is essential for the long term success and growth of the organization. Which is another key word, organization. Operations organize organizations, or organizations organize operations.

Whatever the case may be, organizations and operations go hand in hand. A good organization has a strong set of operational procedures. These operational procedures guide the organization as it embarks on profitable business ventures within its core market segments. In business, it is easy to lose sight on how a business should operate, especially in small businesses. Small business owners struggle with maintaining their companies due to poor operational procedures. A common misconception amongst small business owners is the manner in which they view their business. Just because the company is small, it can still operate like a fortune 500 business.

No matter the size of your business, you need some form of operational processes to keep your organization organized. The moment things begin to south, it is easy to make quick fixes that lead to long-term operational malfunctions. One of the key lessons I learned as an intern at JC Penny was the layers to the levels of every organization. Every department is a level and in each department, there are different layers that guide its operational objectives.

In a business, people operate to ensure the company maintains organizational procedures, advances profit margins, and reduces overhead costs. Again, there are many operational processes that can and should be automated. While this is the case, the people make the systems go and without the people, the systems would have no purpose or exist. Which is why it is important to remember the power of people.

People shape and execute operational and organizational strategies to achieve business goals. No matter the position in the company, it is very important. If the janitor failed to properly clean the building, the facility could fail inspection causing the business to accrue fines or possibly be closed. If the customer service staff was not around to address customers, the business could lose their customers which would cause them to lose money. Every person matters in a business.


With the rise of the internet, technology is a key aspect for business and professionals alike. Having a solid presence on the web can boost business sales or land profitable professional opportunities. With solid experience in developing, designing, and launching corporate websites, I have been able to study industry leaders and adopt successful strategies that lead to profitable outcomes.

These strategies are centered on improving the way people operate. Technology will continue to evolve with the primary purpose of making human activities and operational procedures seamless, and effortless. These technological advancements allow small businesses to move like large corporations. From paper clips to marketing algorithms, technology has changed the way people operate businesses.

The new-age professional is increasingly becoming more inclined to virtual working environments that offer the flexibility of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Having the option to work from home or in a hybrid office space gives employees personal benefits as well as reducing work-related expenses such as traveling and food. Now, there are still major benefits for in-person professional engagements.

Working in remote environments also reduces expenses for the company by avoiding the cost of office equipment and rental space. If you asked me, I would say do what works best for your business, but take what your people say into serious consideration.

By streamlining operational processes, business reduce costs and drive revenues while providing exceptional products and services to their customer segments. Through effective designs for marketing campaigns, brands are able to establish connections with their target market audiences. The emergence of social media has expanded these target audiences on a global level. From the stars of Vine to the Tik Tokers, technology has forever shaped the way people will always operate businesses.

In fact, technology has created new business industries and these industries will continue to expand as well. This is the competitive nature of business. Which is why it is important to have the right people, operational procedures, and technology systems is a critical piece in the success of any business, and professional.

Final Thoughts

“If it wasn’t for my people, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I do.” George Jetson III

People, operations, and technology are the driving forces behind any business. As a professional, we should take mental note as to how we fit into these categories. What type of professional we are will determine how we operate, and the technology we use. Business owners should be fully aware of technological advances within the industries they operate in and how they impact the people that operate their business. In order for the business to thrive, the people should be equipped with knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively operate the business through the use of the appropriate, modem technologies. Anyway, I think I’ll stop there.

Reflective Questions

What do you think about P.O.T. and how it relates to business?

What are your views for using technology to improve the way people operate?

How are the top companies using P.O.T.?

The Math

People (Pe) + Operations (O) x Technology (Tec) = Successful Business (SB)

People (Pe) x Technology (O) = Efficient Professional (EfPro)

Operations (O) x Technology (Tec) = Efficient Business Systems (EfBS)

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